Circles of Practice


Join a Circle

Every week, clergy and lay leaders from across the diocese join together in our formation as Becoming Beloved Community.

The Friday group, meeting 10-11:30 a.m., began to gather in March, in response to the expressed longing to be in spiritual-filled community in the midst of the two global pandemics of Covid and racial violence. As the group and energy grew, a rhythm took shape in meeting the needs of this emerging community, rotating between Way of Love practices and Justice-Making.

The Tuesday circle, meeting 7-8:30 p.m., began after our diocese-wide journey through Sacred Ground completed. Participants expressed a desire to stay in community and practice beyond the Sacred Ground sessions.

Recently, participants have voiced, “This is my faith community. This is church for me.” “This is where I come to be restored, to be with Spirit in community.” “Being here, I am energized and full of JOY!“. “To know we are not alone, that we are together as we follow Jesus…is everything.

These circles are open–join anytime. Sign up here.